
A licensed real estate agent assists buyers or sellers as well as renters navigate the home buying and selling process. They are knowledgeable about local neighborhoods, schools, and market conditions. They’re well-equipped to assist clients in negotiations, valuations, inspections of the property, and the legal aspects of home ownership.

Real estate professionals are rare breeds, possessing an unbeatable combination of the power of social intelligence, marketing knowledge and a deep understanding of their local communities. They can translate market trends and data into actionable information for their clients, and provide seamless services that are tailored to each client’s goals.

To be recognized as a real estate professional You’ll need to establish an online platform where you can share your knowledge with potential customers. It could be a blog, Facebook Group or other online community that allows you to answer questions regarding the local housing market. Also, you should create videos of neighborhood and community tours. These video clips are purely visual and guide potential buyers through specific areas, schools and businesses to prove that you are knowledgeable about your market.

Jenna Kazmierczak is a Broker/Realtor with Salty Air Living, a North Carolina-based real estate firm. She adds personal touches to her practice. She is a former member of the military who leverages her extensive market knowledge and strong work ethic to guide clients through their home ownership journeys. She works alongside a team, including a top Mortgage Professional at Movement Mortgage, to make sure that her clients experience a stress-free and smooth closing.